More Amsterdam


More on Amsterdam. I’ve met a lot of cool people at the hostel, and I’ve taken some really great pictures with my ELPH! I spent most of the day between the hostel and the center of town just hanging out trying to stay awake.. Anyhow, all is good now, and I should have a good night’s rest, and I will post more later!

Thanks for the comments Mom and Pete! BTW Pete, are you gonna try to find me in Italy?! Write me here.


Arrived in Amsterdam!

Well, I have made it safely to the Netherlands, and everything is going well so far. The weather is beautiful, the smell of flowers, everything is making my jetlag seem not so bad. The youth hostel is located at the end of the street of the Anne Frank house, so it’s really accessible to a lot of things. I’ve already found out that there are a number of Japanese people staying there, so I’ll have fun with that! Anyhow, do I have a Benjamin story for you. (JOANN, you’re going to crack up!!)

— So, I’m walking down the city centre toward the internet café and I find a little shopping street. So, I stroll down the street cause my hostel doesn’t let me check in until 1:00pm. I look into shops and such, and see a FOOT LOCKER!!! and Guess what, I see SAMMY working in there!!! hahahahaha! For those of you who do not know Sammy, he is a guy that came to UT as an exchange student, and I did his orientation. He was also our roommate during our trip to Washington DC. So, leave it to me, to be again in a foreign country for not even an hour before I randomly run into someone I know!!! Anyhow, I will be continuing this journal, so please stay tuned!! Time for some sleep now! CIAO.