Kyoto station

I’m sure glad I took an earlier train. If I had waited for re train that I was told to catch I would have never made my train to the onsen village. Kyoto station has got I have one of the worst signage problems I’ve ever encountered. I have a pretty good sense of direction but it took me about 20 minutes, 6 people, and two full circles around the station before I found my coin locker. On top of that is another 20 minutes getting from my locker to the right train platform. So frustrating! This onsen is in high need!!

The train is definitely a different style of trim than what’s used in the cities. I found tjebight one and there were already lines formed or the non reserve areas so it was good I got there when I did.

2 thoughts on “Kyoto station”

  1. Ben, I am enjoying this trip vicariously through you. Continue to enjoy yourself and be safe.

  2. We are looking up all these places on the internet. You are seeing some marvelous sights! 70 degrees here today and all is well. Love Mom and Dad

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