Party with Paula at Rie’s


Tonight I headed over to North Sydney to Kirribilli Avenue, the street that faces the Harbour from the north side, also where good ol’ John Howard lives. (AUS PM). Rie was throwing a soba party and so I arrived around 6 to an amazing spread of fresh foods, vegetables, and Paula’s AMAZING caramel brownie dessert. Most everyone was from a musical background at the party, so I was a little out of the loop, but there were some randoms there like myself as well. I met some really nice people. The view, as you can see from the picture on the right, was incredible, and you can’t stop looking at the city–I left with Brendon, as he was going to the cross as well, and had quite an interesting train ride home with him–I believe we met about fifteen people on our way home! LOL.

One thought on “Party with Paula at Rie’s”

  1. Hi! I just came across your blog on BlogExplosion and wanted to say Hi! This post reminds me of when I stayed in Carabella St (off Kirribilli Av) in 2002! I’m from the Uk and have been to Oz twice since then, I just LOVE it!

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