Trivia Night!

Tonight after class, (which, was quite disappointing–hopefully tomorrow’s last two will like the first!) I headed over to the Fitzroy Pub for Trivia Night with Mike and Traci. I brought along my friend Peter and Sarah, and Sarah invited Lukas and Sally. The grand prize was $900 this time, and the deal is you had to compete through a series of 45 questions, and a couple of fun games in between for the prize. I won a bike ride for two around Sydney on some silly game of True/False. But then, we actually beat out everyone else on Trivia! So, we won a pitcher of beer (yay for me), 2 tickets to the opera house, 2 tickets to another show, and a bottle of wine. We did so well, and we won by 1 point! We’ll definitely be back to show the Ozzies what’s up! On our team? 3 Americans, 1 Aussie, 1 English, 1 Canadian, and 1 Russian. Recipe for success!

One thought on “Trivia Night!”

  1. Canadians know alot of things that no one else knows. It’s impressive. Like, they know the name of their Prime Minister – or if they even HAVE a Prime Minister. And they know the names of all their provinces, which no one else anywhere knows. Some of them even know French – now that’s well rounded.

    xox little benji.

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