Quick Jaunt to Estonia for the day with Miia!

I am boarding the cruise ship Silja to go see Miia in Finland today! I will return on July 9, mama’s birthday.

Technology is so amazing. I am in the middle of the sea somewhere between Finland and Sweden and am able to check my mail and write these articles!! How cool is that??? Anyhow, this boat is really cool and I am enjoying the trip.


When I got off the cruise ship in Helsinki, Finland, I saw Miia and her boyfriend waiting for me! It was soo cool to see Miia after two years now. Miia and I met during my year abroad in Japan and we studied together in Tokyo. We then went to get tickets to take a boat over to Talinn, Estonia for the day. We got on the jetfoil and hopped across the water to Estonia and spent the day looking around at all the medieval places. We then found a real Medieval restaurant that served traditional meals that would have been served back in the Middle Ages. The atmosphere was so cool and the food was really interesting! The weather turned bad and started to rain so we headed back to the port to catch our boat back to Helsinki. Once back in Helsinki we drove back to Miia’s apartment for a nice much needed night of sleep.

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