Dubrovnik and Lokrum island

Taking the bus from Mostar to Dubrovnik is supposed to be quite easy. However today posed some challenging traveling issues that reminded me I’m not as interested in the ‘quirks’ of various places as I used to be.

At the bus station, communicating was a huge problem and it’s so frustrating that people will not even acknowledge you or respond. They speak English because you hear their answers to other questions but a simple, please look at me, will not even get acknowledgement. The bus I was trying to get on apparently was full. So I waited there until the bus came before surrendering to the fact that it was full.

I waited patiently and no one would tell me if yes the bus is completely full or not despite me sitting with my hand of money out ready to board. Finally I have up and started walking away. That got their attention. They let me on the bus after I paid for a ticket. Why they wouldn’t just say wait and well see or anything when I’m asking ‘is it full’ was really trying.

Anyhow, amazingly I got into the bus and all was fine. When we tries to cross the border into Croatia however, traffic came to a complete stop and people were standing outside their cars because none were moving.

After waiting for almost 30 minutes the bus chose to take the other lane of oncoming traffic and speed Ahead. And we arrived at border control. The driver took all our passports and had everyone checked for the next 20 minutes. We then had a Croatian officer come on board and selectively pick out passports after viewing. It seems as though all Bosnian passports were being taken and the rest of us were just visually checked.

We then got back on our way but quickly stopped again for a rest stop. It was actually good timing because I was hungry at this point and was able to get a sandwich. Here I talked with another American Israeli and we chatted for the rest of the trip.

When we arrived I organized getting money and my next bus ticket out and it started to drizzle. I waited at the bus stop and after boarding the rain started coming down. Bad luck! My hand carry luggage of goods is in a paper bag with plastic inside so amazingly i was able to cover it enough when jumping out of the bus and running for cover.

Luckily I had bought an umbrella in Sarajevo but it was challenging with two back packs carry luggage a bottle of water and umbrella. I managed however and quickly found my apartment conveniently located just in front if the buža gate in the old city of Dubrovnik. The owner, Nike, welcomed me and sent me to my room which was at the top if a spiral staircase that I climbed up to my room. It was a beautiful room and just perfect. It felt amazing to drop everything, rinse off in the shower and relax.

I then decided to head out to dinner after having a nice stroll throughout the old city. I happened upon a Mexican restaurant. Extremely expensive –ie tacos for $20, but after seeing the guacamole, I couldn’t resist. I sat down and had a delicious nachos com carne meal and the flavors were amazingly good.

I then continued all around the old city looking at the roads buildings and people watching ending up sitting and peacefully enjoying the beautiful scenery.

The next day, I headed for Lokrum island for the day. On the boat ride over, I met some English people as well as Japanese people on the boat and enjoyed chatting. The English couple, lewis and Bianca, and myself all walked around the island before finding a spot to check out to swim. Peacocks inhabited the island and were everywhere. Including baby ones. I’d not seen a baby one before and not surprisingly, they look like little ducklings.

The afternoon was spent chatting walking, sunning, swimming and we finally split up during their lunch as I’d already eaten. I found another great place for swimming and relaxing and I pulled out the iPod and relaxed in the sun while looking out at the beauty of Dubrovnik in front.

That evening I went out for a sushi meal and it was pretty good. I hadn’t eaten sushi for a long while, so it was good to have something light. The evening I walked around some and headed back for some tv and rest.

The next morning, nike greeted me and we settled my room and she graciously took me to the bus station for my ride to split. She was an interesting character. A translator, guide, she had the err of an eclectic artist. She would have made a great gifted teacher as her energy was bright and engaging and she was thrilled to speak to me about anything and everything. Wouldn’t it be nice if more people were like this?

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