Talk about amazing. This place was something that looked like out of a fairy tale. Now, I consider myself to have seen some of Earth’s most beautiful places, but this one has come close to being the best I have seen.
The bus ride is one of the scariest too, for you must go on these tiny ledges to weave your way across the mountains to get to the town. It is located right on the Mediterranean and is absolutely breathtaking. This town is perched up on the cliffs and weaves all throughout the hills. The houses are all covered in pastel colors along with magenta colored flowers, and the entire town will cheer for the World Cup at each point for Italy. Even the boats on the water were honking their horns in participation of the excitement. The water was still a little bit too cold for me, but I got in anyway just to float around, then sat on the shore and enjoyed everyone’s company. These people are really cool, and one of them knows Anya Miller, from an exchange program they did in Australia together. How random!