Family Dinner and Kharma

Today I met Johanna for lunch in the city. We ate at Sandy’s, a really good deli type place that now I have eaten at 3 times. We walked around the city just talking and enjoying the awesome weather until she had to run errands for her party tonight. Rickard and I went home to get his parents and Sofia for our family dinner out in the center of Gamla Stan, the Old City of Stockholm. Dinner was so much fun. Kördel Mom, Dad, Sister, Rickard, and I all went to a really cool restaurant for some great food as my thank you for letting me stay. It was really an awesome evening with each other. Rickard and I then went to meet THE COACH, another Swedish guy that studied at UT with us during the 2000 year. It was so fun to catch up with the Coach and see what he is up to. We all then went to meet Johanna and her friends at Stockholm’s finest ranked club called Kharma. It was pretty much like clubs in the states in big cities I guess, but it was really nice to meet everyone. Rickard’s two friends came, and meeting Johanna and her friends was a blast. All in all the night was a perfect night to always be remembered.

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