Today we headed to the pool in the morning to wait for Andrew’s dad to pick us up for our journey to La Ventana, the small town where he built a house. During the drive, we saw the rugged terrain of the area–it was just desert and cacti to both sides of us. I couldn’t believe how desolate it was and wondered if we had a flat tire, how long would it be before someone would pass along the road.
After a ways, we topped this mountain and came over to see the waterline run all the way down to the end of the land. It was really pretty, and Andrew’s dad pointed out where the beach was that his house was on. I couldn’t believe how far away he lived from things–it really was an old Mexican town perched on the side of the water. We arrived and unloaded our stuff in the house. It was a really nice with a red tiled roof, lots of windows, a garage, and your own private walkway down to the beach. He had done an excellent job on the design and materials used, and it seemed to be quite a nice retirement nest. We then headed into ‘town’, which was really a street that had a few houses on the side of it that seemed to double up as commercial use during the day, and had a good dinner. It was baked potato and shrimp, mixed with cheese.