Spring Break in New York City!


This trip came for my Spring Break of my senior year in college. This was a perfect trip because after all of my around-the-globe travel, I still had not seen Washington DC or New York City, both of which I wanted to see very much. It just so happened that a club on campus was organizing trips by bus to Washington DC and New York during my senior year. This break was perfect timing, as I had just learned of my recent offer from APL Logistics for my job after graduation.

So the trip started out in Knoxville, TN when we boarded a bus at night for the long journey to NYC. After boarding, we quickly met a group of nice people, and enjoyed their company along the way.

After the 14 hour trip, we were unloaded at our hotel right near Times Square. I loved this area specifically with its livlihood and hustle-bustle, that reminded me so much of living in Tokyo. Big cities are definitely where I feel most at home. The night lights and sound really screamed NEW YORK CITY to me, as we spent our first night walking towards the Empire State Building for a view of the city at night.


Of course, as luck has it, my camera (#3) broke some how on the way up in the elevator, so I didn’t get any good pictures of our time at the top of the city. So, the following day, I pulled a small scam which involved me buying a nice camera, using it the week of my trip, and returning it afterwards. I know, bad Ben. But, I definitely wanted nice shots of New York, and after all was said and done, I came home with some great pictures of the city.

So everyday we just spent walking around to museums, shopping, WTC site, clubbing, eating, MTV, and Central Park. I also was able to meet JAYNAP finally, which was a lot of fun, and we went to take pictures of the city and the WTC site together.

This trip was a lot of fun, and I really enjoyed finally seeing NYC.. I am excited to see the city again, hopefully in the summer where all the colors are able to be seen.