Moscow Walks

Today I got up and headed out to walk around the city. It’s funny the little tricks of Moscow I’ve picked up over the times I”ve been here that actually come in handy. The one I keep thinking about is the voice on the train. A man does the speaker announcements when you head Towards the city, and a woman does the announcements as you leave the city, so you always know what direction you’re heading depending on the voice. The day started out pretty overcast, so I brought an umbrella with me. I made my way to the Revolution Square metro stop, my favorite station in Moscow. I think it’s because of how Russian and Soviet it looks, and reminds me of our first trip here back in 1997. Seeing the figures at each corner of men posed for war, women strong with crops etc seem to always rush back memories and thoughts about my connection to Russia. I can’t believe it’s been 20 years since I was introduced to the country by simple air mail letters stamped with CCCP on them..

Leaving the station, I went to go to Red Square. It’s unfortunately not my favorite route to see St Basil’s in the background, as this way simply takes you to the south west corner of Red Square. I think the Southeast corner is more breathtaking. I’ll never tire of seeing Red Square in all its glory. It’s a cobble stoned plaza that’s so open and focuses on the symbol I have etched in my mind of what Russia’s icon is. Seeing Lenin’s Mausoleum on the right also flushes memories of marching through to see him preserved in a line that’s silenced by soldiers standing guard. I think I may go there to see him again.


After leaving Red Square, I went around the Kremlin toward the Church of Christ our Savior. This for some reason is always in my mind of Evgeny’s wedding, as it’s one of the stops we had during the wedding party. I can’t believe how much I’ve walked around – it’s so nice to wander around the city and have a vague idea of where you’re going, but not a plan to prohibit surprise. I’m taking in all the architecture and sights and strolling along the streets watching people, seeing interesting shops, and noticing how terrible traffic is.

In the evening, I met up with Katya and I was exhausted. She told me to meet her at the Bolshoi Theater, so I walked there to wait at the fountains for her. It’s a great place to people watch as it seems to be an easy meeting place. We walked toward Arbat street to find dinner at an Italian chain call Il Patio. I had a good pizza there while we chatted and laughed. After dinner we went searching for a dessert but ended up just coming home instead.

One thought on “Moscow Walks”

  1. We hope you are feeling better. How’s the jewelry shopping??? (for Mom)

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