Today we planned to go to the Grand Palace. We arrived after a FAST taxi cab drive, and went in. There were guards at the main entrance and people were being divided–because of appropriate attire. Good thing I wore pants today (I had done my homework), but the girls got stopped–for their heeless sandals! They had to RENT shoes! So, they weren’t happy about that one. But anyhow, we got in, and right when we were in line at the ticket booth, we met a girl from ICU!! Totally coincidental!! So she walked with us throughout the temple, which was BEAUTIFUL!! It was huge, and so gorgeous–the architecture was amazing. There was then a group of school kids that wanted to interview me and take their pictures with me. So funny. We went through the entire thing, and then found a guard standing in front of some other palace, that wouldn’t move.. like the ones in England. So of course, we took pictures=) We then came home for a rest and some lunch at the hotel. We went to the excercise room in the hotel and played around for a while, then the others got ready for clubbing. I didn’t want to go because I wanted to see some more around the hotel, so they went out, and came back in the next morning.
The Grand Palace