
Poland seems to have a nice rail system complete with high speed trains. Coming to Warsaw was simple from Kraków. Once I arrived, I got on a tram a couple of stops and then walked to the Airbnb. I didn’t even think about using uber uber was silly!

I arrived to the most beautiful Airbnb I’d had ever. It was so great. Beautifully designed, spotless, modern, and exactly the piedetaire that I imagine for myself sometime.

I got settled and had Indian for lunch and then explored the old town a little. Vlad joined this evening and once he arrived, we headed out to find dinner.

We explored the old town a little as well that night, caught up, and then headed home.

We spent the next couple of days exploring Warsaw and going to the Moscow looking building downtown. We got a birds eye view of Warsaw. We then went to the museum of Copernicus, but it was closed so we continued walking around the city.

We went again to the Copernicus museum the next day and the line was much longer than we were willing to wait so we went to the planetarium to check out a movie. We watched a history of flight which was decent.

We checked out an organ performance in the main church in the old town and enjoyed beautiful organ music. The church was beautiful, and the music filled the space with majestic sounds. There’s something relaxing and therapeutic about the harmonies that an organ makes.

The next day Vlad headed back to st. Petersburg and I went to the rising museum to learn about the polish uprising against communism. It was a really well done museum.
After a couple of hours there, I went out and found a trailer in front doing gourmet burgers. Why not? As I finished, I gave my American-approved hamburger nod and started a long walk back to the apartment. My train was in the evening so I planned my walk back to arrive around 4 and get my bags back from security.

I ordered an uber and he was literally in the parking line in front of the apartment, so I got my bags loaded and headed for the station. About 20 minutes later and 10zł later ($2.50), I was at the station.

The train was on time and I found my seat which was in a compartment shared by just one other guy. It was super comfortable and efficient and just a couple hours later I arrived in Gdańsk.

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