Day at Bondi Beach

This morning, I met up with my friend Nick to go to the beach. We had lunch at a great café overlooking the beaches and the scenery was just amazing. After seeing all this, I want even more so to pursue a chance to live down here. The beaches were clean, the sun was great, the atmosphere was happy. I felt great being there. We then left late in the evening after spending the day meeting people and chatting it up while getting darker. I had sushi for dinner, and then met up with Mike and Jaime for a night out on the town–AGAIN.

One thought on “Day at Bondi Beach”

  1. Hey Ben,
    from what you write Sydney sounds amazing. My brother Rupert had described it to me, too and he planned to go and live there too after his studies but then he went to Sweden for his girlfriend….
    My days here in Fresno were much clamer: lots of food, drinks, card games, Scrabble and an occasional jog through the neighbourhood. All very relaxing and fun.
    Did you get my text message and email? Would love to have some DIRECT contact with you as nice as it is following your adventures on internet. Miss you a lot

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