This morning I got up to meet Matt at the station. Again, when I was in line for breakfast, another random meeting of Jason. Ok, this makes it sound like Rome is a tiny city, or that I go to the same place everyday. These meetings are so random it isn’t funny. Anyhow, I met Matt, and yet another random meeting. The guy that sat next to Matt on the train was the guy that was from Huntington Beach (not the other two guys, but yes, random again that they were both from the same town) who stayed in my room in Florence with the girl that knew Raley Parker. RANDOM. So anyhow, Matt and I hang out all day going to the Vatican, then over to all other places and finally to the Colosseo. It was cool to catch up again and see what he had been up to, and to talk about work. fun fun. We will both be working in less than 2 months! Strange, but VERY EXCITING. So I bid farewell in the evening, and went home for a little nap. My allergies have moved to my chest, so I figured I should rest some. After my nap I headed out to the Spanish Stairs and watched the sunset. It was really nice, and relaxing. Now I am about to go get some more food… YUM Italian cuisine!