So this morning, we got up really early to leave our place on Nadi Beach for the airport. We had counted our money to the last cent of reaching the airport with nothing. We did it! Once we got to the airport we had a quick breakfast. Markus actually had the same flight again with us, so we were together. We then got on the flight and headed for Sydney. After the four hour flight, we started descending beneath the clouded sky and at a instant, you saw the entire Sydney harbour, with the Opera house sitting on the water, and the city standing proudly behind it. It was such a magnificent view that I was hoping so much that it was sunnier! As we circled the area, we landed and got our baggage together. Australia is VERY strict about what you can and cannot bring into the country, so I actually had to declare a nice wooden mask that I bought in Fiji. Luckily, it wasn’t taxed, and they just wanted to make sure the wood had been treated properly and I was on my way.
Fiji Departure : Sydney Arrival