Last full day :(

What a perfect last day to have in japan. The cherry blossoms have come and gone, the weather is pure warm spring. I woke up late after my evening in the cirtbwith martin, had a little breakfast, and got in the car with mama and papa to visit 古留布 a crazy little japanese antique shop that has old kimonos cultural decorations and such. 10 years ago, this same shop hand made me my yukata. They remembered me and showed me around the shop. Then, the woman said, oh! An old talk sized kimono was just given to us by the family of a man who used to perform kabuki, it will fit you perfectly! So itried it on, and it did. All the shop women were there along with mama and papa and they were all tugging pushing pulling to don it properly. They also gave me an Obi belt and taught me how to properly tie it. I’ll wear it in sf for the cherry blossom festival.

After that they brought in lunch and we all sat and charted about my trip, where I went an when I’d be back. After we thought about it, it seem like I’m on a 5 year plan. 1994 1999 2004 2009. No wonder I was going through withdrawal :)

After lunch mama went to class papa web I the library, and I went for a run along the river. I’m not that crazy of a runner but the air the sunshine, the river flowing and the crowds Of people gathered to enjoy the weather barbecuing lunch and having fun-I just wanted to run and fly.

The abikos have reserved dinner at 6 so I’m on my way now to look around kawagoe while mama and papa are there doing their own things.

I love it. I feel very lucky to have had the great fortune with both my “penpal” experience that gave me connection to two such amaZing families.

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