Today is the day I turn in my last project assignment! I still have three exams left to study for… Nov 10, 15, and 17. Then, I’ll leave for a nice vacation to Hawaii to see Rebecca and her family. I still can’t believe that I’ve already finished my first semester getting my Masters, and it went by really so quickly! But, the good thing about being in the Southern Hemisphere, is the Christmas trees are starting to go up, and it’s getting hotter each day! The beaches are packed! I also recently saw a funny commercial talking about ‘holiday weight in the winter’ yet, there’s no really big holidays in the Australian Winter. Guess they’ll have to watch what they eat during Christmas if they expect to be in a bathing suit the next day!
hey Ben, was just searching under globetrotter on google and what do you know… I end up on your site. Great site by the way! Funny to read about your travels in Holland (where I’m from). I lived in the US for 1 year and visited on a couple of other occasions. Even visited Tennessee, where apperently you are from, the football stadium (impressive), Nashville, and of course Dollywood! What a swell place to see, :D .
Anyways, just a hello and word of appreciation about your interest in the rest of the world! Cheers!