Back to Tennessee


So this weekend I set off for a surprise visit back to Tennessee. I left San Francisco in the morning and arrived in Atlanta in the evening, to then board another flight to Knoxville. Once in Knoxville, my good Japanese friend Eri was outside waiting. We went into her apartment and there were so many friends there to surprise me in my visit. I couldn’t believe how many people I hadn’t seen in so long that they’re still in Knoxville! We had a huge sushi platter for dinner and played darts and such. It was really fun to see everyone.

The next morning, I headed for Chattanooga to surprise Mom and Dad. I had a valentine chocolate for them saying: To Mom & Dad, From Benjamin. PS> I’m in the garage. You can imagine how excited they were for this surprise! It’s so nice to be home to see really where I grew up. I’ve had a lot of time to think and reflect about how far I’ve come and I can definitely say I’m happy to know where I’ve been, where I am, and where I’m headed.

Tomorrow I’ll return to Knoxville to help my company with their recruiting activities. It should be yet another cool experience to be on campus again and see how everything’s changed.

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