Back to the Beach, Medieval Festival, and Night Train

Today when I got up, I said bye to Davis as he was headed for London. I met up with Daniel and we slowly got our stuff together to check out and head for the beaches.  We got to the beach and stayed for a little while before we needed to get back to the city so Daniel could catch his train to Alicante this evening. My train doesn’t leave til 1am to Granada, so I had more time. After saying bye to Daniel, I continued on back to the hostel for a shower and to change. I then wandered around the city getting lost in the tiny passages throughout the city weaving in so many different directions. Usually I have a great sense of direction with city bearings, but these streets wind and zig/zag all over the place it’s hard to really tell where you are. But around every corner is a surprise of amazing graffiti, beautiful architectures, patios with tons of outdoor seating/music/food, fountains, cobblestone walkways that lead you to the next surprise.

I then made my way to the Medieval festival that was happening, and it was quite hilarious. They had hay in the streets, tons of artisans with their crafts, food, and more. I saw knights on armored horses, owls tied to grassy stumps, and food stands where I tried to get some food, but was told that the ovens weren’t hot enough yet. I went a little to the side street to find some pizza and ate that instead. I came back though because I spotted a Nutella Crepe stand :)

After continuing through the city finding more things I’d not seen in our walking tour, I feel like I got a really good sense of Valencia in such a short time. It’s a quaint town, beautiful streets and plazas, and really great weather. Definitely glad I came to Valencia!

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