Today, Daniela, Verena, and Dorni all had to work during the afternoon, so Ginchen (a friend from the dorms) and I went for a nice long bike ride. We went first to a flea market where Ginchen had found some things she had wanted to buy. Then we were off to the grocery store to buy sandwiches for a lunch in the park at Hellrunn, where there is a little castle that was constructed in one month! That should tell you though how big the castle was. We then headed to Hallein to GelatoK, an AMAZING place for ice cream.. Just to give you and idea, the most expensive ice cream on the menu was the Königschale (Kings scoop) for a mere ¬ 37.95 = $~30. This thing was huge, and could feed about 10 people! Needless to say, I opted for a smaller version for just ¬ 1.50, but it was sooooo good! We then rode our bikes home and met up with Daniela and Verena. This weather is sooooo great! Shorts, short-sleeve shirts and sunglasses are the only things necessary!

So last night, we packed up the car and headed toward Daniela’s parents house in Eberschwang. It is a tiny little village located east of Salzburg and a little north. Anyhow, the night was very fun because we went to a place to have a traditional Austrian dinner. Here at this restaurant, well if I could call it a restaurant, was a house, and we were the diners for the evening, along with some other drunk Austrian men hitting on the ladies sitting at the table next to ours. Anyhow, what is so traditional about this restaurant is not only that all the food prepared is handmade, even the bread they serve, but it is all cold served. So, I got a huge plate of all these sausages and meats with bread. It was really good, but it was too much. After the dinner, we headed to a bar for a while to hang out. After that bar, we went to another, one owned by Daniela’s ex boyfriend. It was a nicer, smaller place. Anyhow, enough talk about bar hopping in Austria, the next morning, we spent the day at the parents house. It is a huge house that they built themselves in 1972. It was really cool, and the bed was sooo nice. That morning after breakfast, I went with Daniela’s dad around the town for a walk, and to watch a music fest of traditional music and costume. For some reason, they were having it as a festival, and I got to see all the traditional dress and listen to the music. That afternoon, we had a huge barbecue with steaks, my favorite käsekrainer, salads, potatoes, and juice. It felt like I had been eating for hours but it was sooo good! After the barbecue, we hung out, Dorni and Verena practiced their juggling with the bowling pins because they have to go volunteer at an elementary school tomorrow. They will be teaching the kids how to juggle. Anyhow, I was very impressed by their talent. I was also part of the -act- today because they needed to -practice- on me. I held a stick in my mouth, and they juggled around me, and got closer and closer to the stick. Eventually the stick was knocked out of my mouth, and I was set free =) So, the afternoon quickly left, and we packed the car and headed back to Salzburg.